Hello, and welcome to one of the many holes in the Internet.
This site is run from my home in Ogden, Utah. Sitting on a raw wood shelf screwed to the wall next to the hot water heater and furnace. There’s a couple Raspberry Pi’s running some big hard drives, and a 16-port switch handing stuff off to everything to my house. The longest I’ve had one of my servers run without me “fixing” (breaking it), has been about 9 months. Up until this machine got fired up, this site came to you on an old Raspberry Pi that could hardly keep up with any behind the scenes stuff that servers need to do.
I am a father to three wonderful humans, son, ex-husband to one, ex-boyfriend to a many, and a friend to few. I’m a man (I’m working on becoming a man, sometimes I think I am still only a boy) of regrets, continued learning, and growth. The people that flow in and out of my life like waves from the ocean leave a mark no matter who they are or how long they stay. This blog is part of my journey to being a better person, kinder, stronger, more present man.
In the future, as the days, weeks, months, and years go on, I hope to be able to look back on this blog and trace my journey through the life events that the universe hands to us. Listening to audio books to gain tools and ideas on helping myself. Seeing a therapist to talk out the things that make me, me, but also make me, disapprove of me. Eventually, I hope that medication is no longer one of the tools I use to get me through the day to day.
When I retired from the military in 2013 I thought that was the beginning of the second half of my life. Little did I know that I would muster the strength to divorce my wife in 2016. The risk of loosing my children was at the front of my mind, starting from zero was a given, and pain was an obvious guarantee. What I didn’t expect, was to experience a three year long, truly loving relationship that was so far over my head I broke it. From the time that relationship ended until now, I have been a conscious work in progress. This blog, is a piece of my journey. I want to be the man that adds to a relationship, not breaks it, hurts it, or makes is less. I will be more, I am Single on Purpose.
I hope to have the NextCloud side of this place up and running better so I can store more of my files and date there instead of paying the Google machine for storage space. Having my own Steiger Cloud sounds very convenient (my portion of Steiger Cloud works great).