Ogden, UT

Walkin’ 25th Street

Is it just me, or do people that see a therapist get anxiety at the thought of their therapy session? I mean, I learn a lot from him, I like my therapist, and I “think” it’ll help me add tools to my emotional and mental toolbox, but the night before a session, I’m very restless, worried, and a little bit afraid. It isn’t every time, but every few sessions, I leave the session emotionally spent. Maybe it is because I am learning to be in the present, or I try hard to soak in everything he teaches me. I am not sure, but tonight was a night I had a hard time finding something to photograph and that added to my concern.

I drove all the way to the top of Washington boulevard hoping I could get high enough to take pictures of the city lights. Even though I could catch glimpses of the city, there ware either houses, trees, or construction “stuff” in the way. I ordered a head lamp so I can hike at night, but it didn’t make it in time. It’ll be here tomorrow, so maybe I can do some night photography hikes while I’m at my mom’s in Pocatello. Either way, here are the images I captured tonight, I am not impressed what so ever with how they turned out, some just aren’t in focus enough (Manual focus in the dark is difficult, so I am cutting myself a little slack), and some I just couldn’t get the right “feel”, or angle, or lighting. I dunno, there’s always next time. I was going to hike a trail up above Unita Utah, I’ll do it after work next week.

It’s going to be a restless night, wish me luck.