Ogden, UT

Avenues Street Festival

Started the day at the Avenues Street Festival. Started in the 70’s and it has kind of grown ever since. I’ve always loved the Avenues in Salt Lake City, but haven’t had a reason to spend any time up there. I was told about this event through one of the MeetUp groups I am in. The weather was rainy (drizzle), cool, and absolutely perfect. I took as many pictures as I could of all the dogs, but one thing I quickly realized was that taking a picture of a dog, with its owner, meant that I would also be getting pictures of all their butts. Worked on that more and more, but it was an inevitable fact, that I was going to have to find a different angle, or just be okay with having butts in all my dog pictures.

I think it would have been a lot more fun to attend this type of thing with someone, but I had a really good time by myself. All part of learning who I am I think. Take myself to all the places and events that I would normally take my person.

On the drive up Victory Lane, I noticed a trail head. So on the way home, I stopped at the trail head and took a little hike around the area. It was called Hell Canyon. Kind of strange, since about a tenth of the hike, is actually near the little canyon. Anyhow, my next post will have those images (I’m writing all of this a day late since today’s hike took about 4 hours longer than I anticipated. Good company, makes time fly).