Whoop! When you “need” to get people’ie, a flea-market is where you’ve got to be. Jamie, Indy, and myself wondered down to the big city on Sunday for a flea-market. It is held in the Gateway area of SLC. It was touted as being a “new outdoor shopping experience” when it was developed in the 90’s. It wasn’t as successful as they had hoped, but it has become a little bit artsy, and it still has the Clark Planetarium so it has to be okay.
The the most part, I used my Rokinon 85mm lens. Being a manual focus lens it wasn’t the quickest way to take pictures of people, pets, and movement. After becoming aggravated as hell, I switched to my Pentax 28-105mm lens. I don’t love the feel of the images it makes, but it is auto-focus (hell, I couldn’t even get that right on most of the pictures).
This looks staged, but it isn’tShe was a quirky mix of 90’s punk, and NASCAR redneckThe colors were favorableI’m really bummed this one didn’t really turn out they were a coupleWho doesn’t smile at viewfindersThe cowboy had guy was interesting, but he turned awayThe plaid shirt, and tired eyes .. called my paparazziShe was friendly, and wild lookingFun looking group of acquaintancesHad to get less people’iePeaceful breakfastI liked his hat, and the crosswalk colorsShe held that look the entire time I was clickingHay there little guyDunno, the sun, hours of hair and nails, and backgroundThey were conversing, and texting at speedCa-razy jacketThe Planetarium!Taking pictures of people, I need to improve because “NOT GOOD”
So those are the people pictures. Most did not impress me, but the people I choose to take images of were interesting to me in one way or another. One day, maybe I’ll teach myself video and start making “the tic-tocks” hahahah NOT.
Since an images beauty is in the eye of the beholder, here are some randoms I took because I saw something I thought would look nice, fun, or interesting in photograph form.
Old books. Jamie found a good oneGRRRR! (Frankenstein’s Hand)Frankenstein’s ThumbHad to tell this guy “Taking pictures of those stairs through your car”The stairsCreepy porcelin dolls? AlwaysThe Joker’s DollieGlutius MaximusTelescope PORN!Fun kid’s thingYou are curving spacetimeThrough the fogThe fogHorns on a carThe Wasatch mountains above SLCNice asteticThe GatewayShinny things on a roofChristmas before Thanks Giving? Ass hats!The streetsAnother LensA clear faceEscape routeAdults on a swing setUpside downZoomROBBER!Give me your shit!The art pictures
Finally, DOGS! I saw many more dogs than I got images of. Some were kind, and professional, others, you can guess which ONE, were a little too protective of their leash holders.
Little dog, but she’s FEROCIOUS!Walkin’ the dogWalkin’ the dogWho’s a good girl?We’re done, you can stop posing nowGood girlHe was helping guard the door, he was a sweet boyThis one was a sweet heart tooSnap! Sneeked this oneThe leash holder was in a hurry on this oneAll dogs are good dogs, but some are the best dogs, I’ll let you decide which is which
And that is it, nothing much more. It was a really nice afternoon spent with my cute girlfriend and my favorite 18 year old (he’ll be 19 in January damn it!).
Until next time. Make good memories, or good choices, your choice.