Ogden, UT

Ogden Maker’s Market!

Just a couple days apart, and we’re at the Copper Nickle again. This time for a small Maker’s Market. Jamie scored a couple albums (playing now as a matter ‘o fact). She got a 3 record set of Woodstock, and a Simon and Garfunkel record. We already listened to Simon and Garfunkel, now side one of Woodstock is playing (the record has a little noise, but it’s playing well so far). The price was right on these two albums too. That’s unusual for a market (usually the $5 records aren’t bands that most people want to listen to, and the “regular” priced albums are over priced).

I used my Pentax K-3 Mark iii for this visit, but I used my 18-70mm Sigma lens. It used to be my favorite lens on my K-3 Mark ii, but after using my Pentax 28-105 full fame lens for the last year (On my K-1 Mark ii, and now my K-3 Mark iii), the Sigma is going to be relegated to the back of my bag as a “just in case lens because, it’s got a LOT more issues than I remember.

I am also playing with “back focus”, letting the ISO go higher than I feel comfortable with, and being more obvious when I take pictures of people (never comfortable with that, but I want to be so I can get more pictures of expressions, looks, and attitudes).

We had the luxury of parking in front of a dumpster with “YoYo” painted on it. The family is going to be staying down here next weekend. Maybe I’ll bring my own can of paint and “YOLO” all over that shit can.

Spray them words “hoodlum”!

When we first got inside, I forgot I had the camera set up for Back Button Focus (I really want to get used to using it). I also had the ISO a little too low, so people were difficult to get clearly with out some motion blurr.

I don’t see how a person can go out with their gear and not mess around a little bit. These below I played with capturing silhouettes, some close up of some metal and wood, and of course, a bike.

It wasn’t as active as some we’ve been to, but there were enough people there that hopefully the vendors made enough money to make it worth their while. We enjoy visiting these markets and seeing all the things (people are an unavoidable evil when being out in public unfortunately).

That was our Saturday late morning stroll. Jame, Indy, and myself.

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