This is a fun place to go broke saving money. There are some great people selling their stuff here. You can find some really good deals if your patient. If you’re impatient, you can find some very unique stuff, for what ever you’re willing to pay. One of these times I’m out stealing light waves, I fully expect to get rolled for taking someone’s picture with out them agreeing to it. It is called “Street Photography” but most photographers will talk to the subject before they start stealing their light waves. I’m not most, I’m very new, and I probably expect a good ass beating for all kinds of reasons, not just stealing light waves from people.
I used my 1990’s era 135mm f/3.4 lens, but I did take a couple with my old 1970’s 50mm f/2.4. I needed the reach of the 135 so I stuck with that, but my little 50mm is my favorite.
Not much more to say, it is always therapeutic to take pictures, it’s a healthy grind to edit them all, and it is always a surprise when some turn out very appealing. Thank you for visiting ~ Justin
Welcome to Moto vu Drive in If you could smell this picture More of the good smells You’re asking WHAT? I’ll give you …. Keeping things organized Enjoyed this man’s face, very kind looking Caracter in a smile Couple guys shootin’ the shit In deep thought Stool all alone Thinking about .. That little boy had, had enough! Family event Colors, toys, bright Toys into the blurr Bokah . focus on the present Around and around How many bumpers have these taken Lean into it Cought my eye, character More men bull shitt’n Just liked the colors and shapes And again Tried to capture what I saw, I failed Come again, we enjoyed your visit