Ogden, UT

Nice Trail, Kind of a Weird Head Space

I got up bright and early this morning to hit a trail I’ve read about for a while but wasn’t sure about. The name is Burch Creek Trail, it’s an out and back, moderate, but there’s a Yellow Jacket nest on the trail about a mile up (I take issue with Yellow Jackets).

When I woke up I knew I was going to struggle a bit. It’s the first time I didn’t “want” to go on a hike, but “needed” to. Yesterday was a very good day inside my head. I should know by now, if I have a good day, there’s a hard one around the corner. If I’m silly, happy, and just about giddy, I know in the next day or two, I’m going to crash, have a melancholy day, or fall into a complete pit of angst. Today isn’t “that” bad, I just had a difficult time clearing my mind most of the hike. Running ideas, scenarios, and a bucket of “if I had only” over and over. When I stopped to drink my water, I also sat myself down, took a few deep breaths, and meditated. I didn’t use my app this time, I just did it on my own. I have no idea how long I did it for, but my muscles were tight when I stood up.

Feeling a little bit better, I started to look around more, notice things again, and feel the moment seeping into my soul. The sun started to come over the mountain, and I loved watching it light the leaves one at a time as it rose. I took a lot of pictures, edited them for a while, then decided to throw them all up on my server, and pick out the good ones from there. Editing images is a task that I don’t enjoy sometimes. I take all of my images in RAW (PEF in Pentax Talk) so I’ve got to edit them or they don’t work well on the interwebs (some files are 20 MB before editing, and still they’re 2-5 MB after, but you can crunch them down more if you want to).

I don’t really want to talk about my hike more than this other than to say today might suck when my mood settles in, but I can say I made my bed, had a nice hike, took a few pictures I really enjoy, and got another blog written.