Ogden, UT

Belated Christmas, the ripping!

It is a really strange feeling to spend the day wondering if any place is open even thought they (those places) are utterly indifferent of your Christmas being on the day they most likely call “Any other Sunday”. Today from the time I got up, to the time we went out and had dinner, it felt like the world was closed for the holidays because we had our belated Christmas today.

First half of Belated Christmas was just Charlotte, Jamie, Indy, and myself. Quiet, chill, un-rushed opening of gifts while my extra powerful studio flash pounded everyone’s pupils to within an inch of their lives. The only thing brighter was the LED light on Indy’s new Beanie that his Aunt Mendee got for him. So bright, this image does not do it justice.

Utterly stunned from the brightness (He was looking at it when it first turned it on – Do not do this because BRIGHT)

Mendee also scored a really funny calendar for Jamie that had us all rolling for a while. I missed a picture of the calendar when Jamie opened it, but it was glorious.

The front of this calendar for the WIN!

If you look at some of these images, there’s a red typewriter on the shelf with my records. It is a standout object with both Christmas shenanigans, and the wonder that is the typewriter. So good.

Speaking of shenanigans. Here are a few images of Maynard helping with the wrapping paper inspections.

So a few years ago, Jamie and myself had a fun idea to duck the shit out of my mom’s house. Payback never ends with some people because Jamie got all ducked up with her gift from my mother.

I missed the laugh, but here’s a “smirk” and the ducked up box 🙂 ..

Speaking of making the small things fun. Charlotte received a gift card from Jamie, and it was “well wrapped”. I only got these images, but there were more layers.

Later in the day, Jamie’s brother and niece came by (Chris and Charlotte). I totally forgot to snap some pictures, but that was a nice visit for everyone. Charlotte LOVES to say hello to our cats.

After her brother left, her son Jacob and his wife Kim showed up for a few festivities. I did snap a couple pictures of this duo.

After that, my dad and Dayton swung by to open the last of them and have some dinner. We decided after a bit that we’d head out and have dinner on the town since it wasn’t “actually” Christmas and restaurants would be open so we zipped off to Cactus Reds and snarfed down some Mexican food and called it a night (I am going to smell like onions for EVER!).

Until next year or so, I bid you’n’s all farewell.


Maynard is fully capable of “judging” one’s socks

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