I got to spend a nice chilly afternoon with my boys, strolling around the 21st street pond. Honestly, I think that’s the first time in a LOOONG time (like years) that we all got together outside a house and spent some time together.
While we were out and a bout, I snagged a few images (way too many, but digital allows for that).
It is a weird thing being a dad because inside, I still hold the memories of what it was like to be able to chuck rocks hard, walk around for about a mile with out something or another hurting to no end, and of course, what it was like to have your life stretched out in-front of you for more decades than you have behind you. It is also weird to realize sometimes that “I am those guys’ dad”.
We are guys, so there wasn’t any of that “deep talk” stuff happening, just zipping their RC cars around (they’re both Dayton’s but he let Indy drive them around too), laughing at things the cars did, and commenting occasionally on how damn cold it felt (it was ~35* so it wasn’t “that” cold, but the air had a bite, like it wanted to be much colder).
I love these two guys with all my heart. I wonder what the math is on that? I mean, 100% of my love and care goes to my three kids, my family, and Jamie but that should add up to much more than 100%, shouldn’t it? I mean that’s a lot of people that fill my heart with love. I wonder if Richard Feynman has an equation that would explain that?
Here are the RC pictures, then I’ll plop the pictures I took because I liked them. I started to crunch the videos I took with my camera together too (I have NEVER taken video with my camera before, so their are a LOT of blurry sections).

Here is the video I glued together. Literally, saved them to my computer, drug them all into OpenShot, added fade in/fade out effects to the first three or for, then just smacked the export button and waited. It is late and my brain is gooey inside 🙂 ..
With that I will depart here for a good tooth brushin’ and some sleep. Here are the “regular” pictures I took because I liked something about the composition or something.

I hope you all have the year you deserve 🙂 (If that’s a good one or a bad one, that’s all up to you).