Decent hike up above Layton, Utah. There’s a lot of construction going on, so getting to the trail head is a friggin’ dizazter! (Utah norm).
Author: justin
Blog For Fun Friendship Photography
Grizzlies Hockey!
Date night with the Grizzlies! We didn’t win, but it was a fun game, close scoring, and a little knock down drag out fight in the middle.
Blog For Fun Friendship Photography
Mustangs Hockey!
First hockey game of the year for me. Lots of fun, 3-0 (we won), and looking forward to the next game.
Blog Friendship Photography Sunsets
Sunsets, and Old Smiles
A bunch of sunsets, and a thank you to a special friend from a little over a year ago.
Blog For Fun Photography Walk
Wondering Around Work
Mostly just a blog post demonstrating how shitty my new 28mm lens is.
Blog Exhausted Friendship Hiking Photography Singlehood
Flag Rock Trail – Long and Difficult Work
A long hard hike to make sure I had time to work on myself. Inflict physical pain enough I had no choice but to still my mind, and let my thoughts process with out me guiding them around. I hope tomorrow has another difficult hike in store, I need more nature therapy :).