A picture collection from a trip to IKEA
Tag: Photography
Blog Photography Utah
Current Typewriter Collection
A post about the typewriters I own, and what they’re about. Also testing my use of flash while taking still images.
Blog Justin Photography Utah Walk
Quick Dinner Date and Compression Practice
Teaching myself some “Compression” with a zoom lens, and dinner with my lovely girlfriend.
Blog Idaho
Daddy Daughter Dirt Races
I drug Charlotte to the Idaho Falls Raceway just outside of Idaho Falls Idaho. We had a nice time, the weather turned out good but chilly, and we had a nice time.
Blog Car Shows Family Friendship Justin Photography Utah
2024 Cache Valley Cruise In {Pt 3}
The 3rd and final day of the Cache Valley Cruise In up in Logan Utah. They gave my truck to a non stick shift driving person, it was the hottest day, and overall we had a nice time.