Short cemetery hike. The Ogden Cemetery had some appeal, but the trail turned out to be a little disappointing. Good walk, way too distracted by the stench and loud ass crickets to worry about cyclical thinking.
Year: 2021
Blog Daton's Images Family For Fun Hiking Photography
Two Hikes 1 Day: This One Was Special
Father and son, out too late, a night over the town, and bonding as two guys will do.
Blog Exhausted Photography Singlehood
21st Street Pond, “Stagnant” or “Part of the Journey”?
Short walk around a pond on the outskirts of the city. Never far from the sounds of the highway, trains blowing their horns, and homeless residue scattered here and there.
Blog Daton's Images Family Hiking Idaho Photography
Dayton’s Clickity Click Results
This post is for Dayton. His images are here, and he did a great job.
Blog Family Hiking Idaho Photography Singlehood
Father Son, a Shitty Lens, and Bonding
I had to hold back tears writing this one. Even though it’s not much on the surface, there is a lot today that sits deep inside me. Pride, worry, loneliness, pain, and sadness.
Blog Friendship Hiking Photography
Honesty Brought Peace, and a Friend Brought Beer
Today’s hike was about friend’s catching up, chasing a bird that wasn’t a bird, and watching your friend get jumpy because you’re a little too close to the edge.