Just a quick rundown of my afternoon with Charlotte working with her on driving a manual transmission.
Cache Valley Cruise In Pt. 2
The most “traditional” of car shows I attend is the Cache Valley Cruise In. I can feel the burn out on this one creeping in though. Hard to find rooms, hard to find good parking spots for the show, really hot, and they’ve pulled back on the activities they used to do at these big shows.
Cache Valley Cruise In 2023 pt. 1
Quick “how ya doin'” for the 1st day of the car show.
Hope tomorrow is better, but here we are.
Youth Impact Car Show
2nd annual “Youth Impact Car Show”. I enjoy this show because it support the community. This year wasn’t as many cars, but there was another show going on, and the weather was stepping in.
25th Street Car Show
About the 4th time I’ve been in this car show. I enjoy it and it is walking distance from my house so bonus.
1st Night Hike of 2023
First mountain photography walk of 2023. Lots of re-learning how to take night pictures, and a few for fun.