We got our walk on yesterday (I dated this for yesterday because I got tired, and took naps instead of posting this as soon as we got back like I normally do) and hit up the Ogden Farmer’s Market in Union Station (the old Train Station). It would have been beautiful out if New Mexico didn’t suck so bad (making it windy here). Inside it was the other end of the spectrum. Too toasty in there, but that just made the walk back really nice.
On the way I usually find things to photograph, but this time there really wasn’t much to see (gray day too). So I took one of “NOPE”.
On the way, just after the “NOPE” image was snapped, we hung a right and grabbed some coffee from Grounds for Coffee Downtown. I saw some pinup style art at a little shop a few doors before the coffee shop. Who doesn’t love Audrey Hepburn. We went back into the shop on our way back home.

After snagging our coffee we headed for Union Station (some good food / food trucks outside of course).

Once inside, we found our bearings, and wondered around. Jamie scored some butter (Garlic Lemon I think) from some local folks. I really didn’t see anything this trip that I needed (Not even any dogs to take pictures of).
Here are the inside pictures. None of them have a “feeling”, they’re just “oh look, people, and stuff”.

We wondered to the south end of Union Station to where the actual “station” part is and I took a few more images. We were commenting on the murals above each end of the station. I have no idea when they were painted, but we both agreed that the painter may have been focused on the male form a little too intently. Especially if this was done in the late 1800’s when the station was constructed (I guess it did burn in the 20’s? so maybe the 1920’s). Either way, the art work is very focused on chiseled, muscular railroad workers.

On the way back home I snapped a couple more outside pictures (with blown out cloudy skies, and shadows that were too dark), then we wondered around inside “Lavender Vinyl” for a little while. I feel like Lavender Vinyl is one of my favorite shops on 25th. Reasonable prices, “record store” vibe, and the owners are very nice.

Once we finished looking around 25th we turned for home. There is a house that has caught my eye ever since I moved into my home. It was pretty ran down for a while, needed work, but was a multi place rental. Then the for sale sign went up for a few weeks, and BAM, now it is coming along as a cute place again. The red door sets it off I think.
This little place is also really nice, but it is guarded by a viscous Ginger Cat! I think Lincoln Ave has the most potential out of most of the streets south of 25th.
Finally, there wasn’t much else besides trees with out leaves, gray skies, and a painter touching up a white wall for a Machine Shop (I love it when people taking care of their places here).

And with that, I am off to be quiet, maybe nap, or snack, or print a part for my filament management, or just sit, be a guy, and not think about or do anything because we can :).