Short cemetery hike. The Ogden Cemetery had some appeal, but the trail turned out to be a little disappointing. Good walk, way too distracted by the stench and loud ass crickets to worry about cyclical thinking.
Tag: Justin
Two Hikes 1 Day: This One Was Special
Father and son, out too late, a night over the town, and bonding as two guys will do.
21st Street Pond, “Stagnant” or “Part of the Journey”?
Short walk around a pond on the outskirts of the city. Never far from the sounds of the highway, trains blowing their horns, and homeless residue scattered here and there.
Father Son, a Shitty Lens, and Bonding
I had to hold back tears writing this one. Even though it’s not much on the surface, there is a lot today that sits deep inside me. Pride, worry, loneliness, pain, and sadness.
Operant Conditioning and Me
A new tool, new way to see where I came from, some rambling, a message to a friend, and a message to people in general.
I hurt, and I know a little more why and how. Just don’t know how to heal from it all yet (but I’m working on it).
Special Delivery, and a Beautiful Hike
Went on an unexpected hike, met some wonderful people, got to pet a bunch of dogs, and found that I am okay with missing the occasional sunset.