I feel it is quite a stretch to call my lights, backdrop, and ironing board a “studio” but the concept is the same. What I’m using are my Pentax K-3 iii camera (DSLR), a full frame Rokinon 85mm lens, two Godox TT350p flashes, a Godox XProP transmitter, a Godox soft box, and our old ironing board with a curtain draped over it. The backdrop is the cheapest one I could find, maybe if I steam it the folds will disappear.
In the hopes I can get better at taking professional looking pictures of human beings, I set up my stuff downstairs and started to play with flashes, soft boxes, and different settings. Some of them I think turned out well, others, they just lack “something”. I’ll keep practicing and see what I can learn.
I am still waiting on my 2nd Bowen mount, so I had to just lay my 2nd flash around the boxes and shelves to get it pointed at the correct angle.
Not many made it past DarkTable, but here are the different poses I put Charlotte’s stuffed animals through (and one of the Boy’s Transformers).

Not happy with these, but if I spent time editing them they would be fine (I’m trying to learn well enough that I do not have to edit much before exporting or printing).
Off to play with Indy or find food, I can’t decide because I’m starving.