Bit of a rundown on what Indy and I did to his car (1995 Ford Escort LX Wagon). Good bonding, we both learned a lot about his car, and found a few things we can still repair.
Blog For Fun Idaho Justin Photography Relationships Travel Walk
Wandering Around Pocatello
Jamie and me catching some night time for some photography.
Blog Colorado Exploring Family For Fun Justin Relationships Travel
Bishop Castle Colorado
Bishop Castle Colorado. Quirky, fun, and creative place to visit.
Blog Exploring Justin Photography Relationships Utah Walk
Walkin’ the River
Me and Jamie took a stroll up the river to see how the runoff has been going. Lots of water, a few ducks, bridges that are close to getting schooped away, and a nice time in the sun on a beautiful day.
Blog Justin Photography Relationships Walk
Just a Little Pond
Not a hike, but it was still fun, useful, and therapeutic.
Blog Exhausted Exploring Friendship Hiking Photography Relationships Utah
“B” is for “Build”
A hike into nature’s therapy. Sweating out the thoughts, writing down the process, letting things go.