Indy ran around the mountain with me tonight. First time in a couple years that I’ve got myself to go hike. I really REALLY like getting up there. It was a lot of fun with Indy too, bonus.
Year: 2023
Blog Family For Fun Justin Photography Utah
Charlotte’s 1st Day in the Stick Shift Club
Just a quick rundown of my afternoon with Charlotte working with her on driving a manual transmission.
Cache Valley Cruise In Pt. Done
The last day of the Cache Valley Cruise In. Hot, humid, lots of people, not enough dogs, to many chevys, and really expensive ice cream.
Blog Car Shows Family Justin Photography Utah
Cache Valley Cruise In Pt. 2
The most “traditional” of car shows I attend is the Cache Valley Cruise In. I can feel the burn out on this one creeping in though. Hard to find rooms, hard to find good parking spots for the show, really hot, and they’ve pulled back on the activities they used to do at these big shows.
Blog Car Shows Family Justin Photography Utah
Cache Valley Cruise In 2023 pt. 1
Quick “how ya doin'” for the 1st day of the car show.
Hope tomorrow is better, but here we are.