Youth Impact Round 3

For the last three years I have attended the Ogden Airport Car Show (Ogden Midnight Riders, Racers, Runners I can never remember). This show is a little different than the others I like to go see because they have a large rice community (import cars from Japan). I’ve lived in Japan, driven many of them, so I understand that they like them, to each their own, but they just aren’t my thing. I enjoyed my Forester STI while in Japan. Just not enough to want to tinker with it, bring it home, or buy something similar here.

This year was a little less populated than the 1st year. I hope they still had enough of us to justify keeping the shows going and helping the community. Last year was a blow out (aka: the weather about blew us away, rain was about to dampen our spirits, so they let us evacuate early).

While killing time, I ran across this video piece form ABC (Channel 4 here in Utah). They covered whta the folks have the car show for, and spent a lot of time with my car in the background 🙂 – Selfish plug, but here’s the video.

From ABC4 Utah back in June 2024. Youth Impact via the Ogden Midnight Runners.

Today’s pictures are a pile of “what nots and who fors” because I was just wondering around and taking pictures for no specific reason. I did bring my 100-300mm lens and used it fore the first time since I ordered it used from Japan last year (it’s a low budget lens, but it does have zoom, powered focus, and a decent f-stop).

Here are a few of those pictures:

We arrived nice and early, yet we were still not early enough to get the choice spots. One side (and along the back) they’ve got grass, and on the west side of the parking lot it is dirt, then weeds, then the great expanse of wind blown allergens.

Of course there were a few dogs at the show (never enough). I didn’t take many images, but here are a couple lovers to peek at. In the future, I want to make a sign to put in front of the car that has some guilt trippy saying about a dogs feet vs black pavement in the middle of the day during summer. A few had little booties on, but sheeeot, some were just bare feet on hot ass blacktop. “Asshats”

Something I am starting to enjoy seeing more and more are “Gassers“. My dad has a 1965 Ford Falcon that would make a pretty nice looking gasser, but when you make a car into a gasser, you also remove a little bit of the daily drive-ability from the car (maybe not with today’s technology – the example below even has front disc brakes). The gasser at this show was a chevy, but I will forgive him because when he left he let it loose for couple gears (showing the previous little rice cars that were buzzing away what it actually looks, and sounds like to be quick – No wheeee pooof, weeee poof – just raw roar).

Really, that was about it for the day. I can tell the sun kicked my ass every which way because Sunday (Yes, I started this post, and am not finishing it Monday before work – back-dated of course) I was basically a slug. Slept in, took a few naps, worked in the garage, watched the NASCAR Sonoma Race, kicked my sister and my dad out of the state for a week, and went back to bed.

Lets see what other pictures I took (since I can’t remember at the moment):

Finally, we did stop in the soft grass and take some pictures of plants and such (funner to take than look at, but I still enjoy the process).

With that I bid you all farewell. I will hopefully (looking at you future Justin) take my camera to work and do a little night hike after I get off. The nights are really nice right now.

Have the day you deserve,


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