1st outdoor nature get together since 2021.
Blog Justin Photography Utah
Shinny Things and Such
Youth Impact car show. Lots of variety, and pretty good weather. Too many general motors products of course, and a really nice crowd (as expected).
Blog Justin Photography Utah
Ogden Has the Force!
A Star Wars themed Bizarre. Spend a little money, saw some local makers, and saw some fun things.
Blog Exploring For Fun Justin Photography Utah
A Whale in Salt Lake City!?
While out running arronds, we decided to venture up the road a bit, and see what all the nonsense is about a whale sticking out of the ground just outside of down town.
Blog Justin
FORD! Take my MONEY!
Just a few paragraphs of my blabbing on about wanting to get a new Bronco, but can’t because reasons!
Blog Photography Utah Walk
Spring Walk and Dinner!
I drug my camera with us on our dinner date, such nice weather, a few interesting things to photograph and horseradish on my French Dip.