Whoop! We got in one more market before it snows (kind of on the radar to snow this weekend, but we’ll see).
The difference between the regular summer markets and this fall market are apparently the size. This one is only a block or so where as the normal summer market is most of downtown 25th street with more art vendors, and sellers. This one is mostly produce, food stuffs, and the occasional clothing items.
I don’t know if I’m just bored with taking pictures of close up things, or I just like taking pictures of dogs a lot but Saturday was mostly dogs, and looking around. I can’t seem to get anything in focus (autofocus or not).
We found the bread place Jamie loves, and the weather couldn’t have been better (mid 70’s). There were quite a few dogs, but I only caught these before we were headed home. I need to get better at catching their names because they’re all adorable, with great personalities, and I’m sure they’ve got names that fit their personalities.
I’ve got to zip off to work, I wanted to throw these out on the web before I ran off to earn the big bucks.

P.S. I also hit up Lavender Vinyl on 25th. Got my some Peter Paul & Mary because I already had a copy but forgot, so now I’ve got two :). Great little vinyl shop, I promise you’ll like it, just to peek.
Take care, enjoy the fall, and if you from outside of Utah, you can go back now, thank you for visiting.