Well Look At That

WHOOP! After waiting ever so patiently, my new (used) lens has arrived from Adorama! Turns out, I got a “hell’of’a bargain”! If you “Google” this lens you’ll see that it is at a pretty spicy penny. The cheapest one I can find is still roughly 2x the price I paid. The information for mine said it was in “Heavy Use” condition, but honestly, it looks brand new. There are a few small marks on the cap, but it is otherwise absolutely perfect.

Here are the first images I’ve taken with the lens. I’ll go outside later and take some more, but for now, I am ecstatic at this little lens so far (I wish it opened a little wider, but it is “normal” for these fish-eye/super wide angle lenses). The shutter speeds were WAY down because I keep my house pretty dark for the most part. That just means that getting a pin point focused shot is difficult (impossible with Maynard).

Anyhow, just a really quick post to talk about my latest bargain find. Such a fun lens. All of the images I included were taken at 10mm focal length, so as fish-eye as it can go. When wound down to 17mm, the images almost look normal (really are kind of normal, just barely bowed at the edges).

Back to work tomorrow, this mid week day off is “dumb” 🙂 .. I “wanted” to do stuff, but instead I chugged coffee, took a nap, and now writing on my blog. Go figure.

I hope you have the day you deserve.


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