A long post, with not enough pictures of Indy’s new gauges.
Blog Family Justin Photography Utah Walk
Last Farmer’s Market o’The Summer
Last Farmer’s Market of the summer. The Fall Farmer’s Market starts next week, but we don’t have room in the schedule to attend.
Blog Hiking Justin Photography Utah
Bugs, and Weeds, and Bugs
Half a loop, lots of bugs, way too quick.
29th Street Loop w/Indy!
Indy ran around the mountain with me tonight. First time in a couple years that I’ve got myself to go hike. I really REALLY like getting up there. It was a lot of fun with Indy too, bonus.
Blog Family For Fun Justin Photography Utah
Charlotte’s 1st Day in the Stick Shift Club
Just a quick rundown of my afternoon with Charlotte working with her on driving a manual transmission.