2024 Spring Farmer’s Market!

We didn’t make it to the 1st Farmer’s Market of 2024, but we made it to the second because “rain”. Last weekend was the 1st of the year, but it was really nasty weather. This weekend it was really nice (if not a little hot for people like me – blagh).

Indy beat us there by an hour or so, but it all worked out (he stopped to eat at the “No Frill’s Dinner on 25th“. Yummy little place on the corner of 25th and Lincoln in Ogden, UT. Of course, it is a little nostalgic with some classic posters like this Audrey Hepburn poster (they’ve got all the usual’s like James Dean, Elvis and some classic car pictures; all chevy of course because “Utah”).

Wall poster of Audrey Hepburn for her movie "Breakfast at Tiffany's" with a smaller "No Frills Diner" framed picture below it.
Audrey Hepburn because “Classy, Smart, n Cute”

For today’s walk-about I was using my favorite camera (Pentax K-3 Mark iii) but I was also using a finicky lens (Sigma 17-70 ASP-C). So when I shoot with the aperture wide open (my bad habit) it leaves quite the halo around the corners, and makes the colors milky and a little hazy between colors. I guess you could call it the lens’s “character” but I call it annoying and it makes me grumble. My two Sigma lenses were my favorites on my older cameras, but this newer one just hurts.

After checking on Indy we wondered off to see what was new this year. For one thing, there were so many dogs! Unfortunately my back is other than pleasant the last few months, so I really didn’t take many pictures of dogs (or anything really). I am NOT a fan of taking pictures while looking at an LCD screen, so I have to get as low as the mutts to get their pictures (old school). I did take a few, got chewed out by the first owner, and couldn’t catch the colorful one before it ran up to me and made things blurry (and bright 🙂 ).

While we were there we stopped ans said hi to my co-worker (Tyler) was chilling in his booth. He and his wife (I am sure he’s told me her name, but I can’t remember for the life of me what is it) sell clear epoxy items done in all kinds of creative ways (chotchkies, cutting boards, ring holders, trinket bowls, and I am sure so many more I can’t remember).

We had hoped to make it in time to see the “Arial” artists doing their flippin’ and flyin’ but they were setting up when we walked by, and gone when we walked back. See how they are? So fast, “fast fast“.

There were a lot of people playing music for the crowd though. I didn’t get their names, but they all sounded good (as good as you can in a crowd of walking people and quick setup kits). Here are a few pictures of them folk.

Of course we can’t have our camera with us without taking some fun/interesting images (My favorite most of the time). Here are a couple. I am a fan of contrasting textures, and small touches from strangers passing by. I would probably take more images of people but they’re all so “peopley”.

Finally while walking home, after I shot the picture of the dog on the porch, I saw BEES!

And with that, we’re home for the weekend. After the Farmer’s Market I got the chat with my mom for a while, then fell asleep for a while, then we went and drug the Comet out of storage, had some Chili’s and called it a night. Car shows start next weekend, so it is about to be busy (and friggin’ hot).

A couple parting shots (I love the house and probably take too many pictures of it when we walk by).

Until next time, have the day you deserve 😉

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