Really great hike up past Pineview Reservoir. Really relaxed, learned a few things from our host, and had a tasty burger and a beer at the Shooting Star Saloon.
Picking Shit Up, and Climbing Around
Pliking Group – Picking up trash as you hike, or walk, or just scour a trail in the middle of the city.
Watching Sky Candy @ Tunnel Springs
A wonderful hike, wonderful skycandy, long over due conversations, and some hard pills to digest and grow from. 100% gratitude, respect, and appreciation from the deepest parts of my heart.
Apologetic Laxity For Reasons
Inside my head, writing in this blog is as vital to my healing journey, and self care process as seeing my therapist, photography, hiking, and the medication I
Hiking Buddies, Spiritual Journeys, and Great Stories
Second time hiking this trail, first time with a new friend. I love hiking alone, but sometimes, it’s nice to hike with a voice that isn’t in your head.
Whoa (N)ALLY What Do I Do?
This hike was quite a bit different than my normal hikes. Tonight I wasn’t in my head, working through an issue I was dealing with, guilt I was